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Collana SIMMETRICA gialla

Collana SIMMETRICA gialla


Grande collier in ceramica realizzata a mano con elementi modulari disposti simmetricamente. Design esclusivo Officine Gualandi.


Le forme ruotano e riflettono andando a disporsi intorno ad un asse centrale.


La collana incornicia il volto e personalizza con il suo design sia l'abbigliamento minimal che quello più esuberante.


Importante: la collana non è pesante perché le sfere e la capsula sono vuoti all'interno. L'indosso è confortevole, una volta messa al collo si dimentica di averla!

La ceramica è un materiale perfetto per creare accessori unici e con un design contemporaneo. 

La collezione Simmetrica diventa, dal prodotto al packaging completamente priva di materiali plastici. Oltre alla ceramica, di nostra esclusiva produzione, le collane Simmetriche montano nuovi cavi in pelle nera e blu. Bellissimi, resistenti ed eleganti.  Nuove anche le chiusure, in ottone galvanizzato oro. Le lavorazioni aggiuntive sono rigorosamente italiane, prodotte ad Arezzo. Il packaging è a cura di aziende italiane, spagnole e inglesi.

Officine Gualandi presta da sempre la massima attenzione al confort dei propri accessori. La ceramica e le maxi dimensioni potrebbero indurre a pensare a collane pesanti o scomode mentre uno dei punti di forza dei nostri accessori è la loro assoluta comodità.


Per evitare problemi durante il trasporto imballeremo tutto a regola d'arte cercando di preservare la collana da eventuali rotture dovute al trasporto.

Dettagli prodotto:

Peso 152 gr

Lunghezza (collana non indossata) 57 cm


Large handmade ceramic necklace with symmetrically arranged modular elements. Exclusive Design Officine Gualandi. 

The three accessories from the Symmetrica collection speak to modern princesses. The geometry and bold character of Gualandi become hyper-refined without using embellishments.

Simply the shapes rotate and reflect going to be arranged around a central axis. It's all in a happy balance of tonality, fullness and emptiness, of compositional harmony.
Changes around a center.

The necklace frames the face and personalizes with its design both the most simple and the most exuberant clothing. Important: the necklace is not heavy because the balls and the capsule are empty inside. The wearing is comfortable, once put on his neck you forget to have it!

Ceramics is a perfect material to create unique accessories with a contemporary design.

There are four innovations that we have introduced in the 2018 Symmetrical Collection:

One, the forms.
New elements that taper towards the center or towards the outside, semi-spheres, multiples and submultiples of elements in a modular relationship. All in the sign of symmetry that becomes in this collection the principle of order and elegance.

Two, colors.
A small concession to a color that we have always looked at with suspicion so as not to give too much to the jewel aspect but to aim straight to design and originality. Let's shine our gold next to the intense and opaque black. Also comes the sweet pink combined with yellow, an unusual combination that gives immediate elegance.

Three, the materials.
The Symmetrica collection becomes, from the product to the packaging completely free of plastic materials. In addition to ceramics, of our exclusive production, the Symmetrical necklaces have new cables in black and blue leather. Beautiful, resistant and elegant. Also new are the closures, in gold-plated brass. The additional works are strictly Italian, produced in Arezzo. The packaging is curated by Italian, Spanish and English companies.

Four, the proportions.
Officine Gualandi has always paid the utmost attention to the comfort of its accessories. The ceramic and the maxi dimensions could induce to think about heavy or uncomfortable necklaces while one of the strengths of our accessories is their absolute comfort. In this collection we have granted a few centimeters more to the standard length. Softer, as required by a collection not played on excesses.

To avoid problems during transport we will pack everything in a professional way trying to preserve the necklace from any breakage due to transport.

Product details:
Weight 100 gr
Length (unused necklace) 52 cm

If you want to buy more than one Officine Gualandi article, please write to us. The shipping price depends on the weight. Purchasing more than one item together could cost less.
If you want to make a special order of many pieces, write us!

Thank you!
Officine Gualandi


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